Phil Cannella Enlightens Thousands

Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News

Phil Cannella goes to the effort.

“Education is the movement from darkness to light” is a quote attributed to 20th century philosopher, Allan Bloom. It is with these words that Phil Cannella gives such emphasis and focus on educating his consumers. “People are kept in the dark so that they can be taken advantage of” says Phil Cannella when asked why he does what he does.

In Phil Cannella’s mind it is more important to educate our citizens so that they can make informed decisions for themselves than it is to tell them what to do. While it might be easier and cheaper to simply to give people some advice and recommendations about their finances and nest eggs, it is really quite a disservice. It is “not about a quick buck” it is about empowering them so that they can make sound decisions. It is because of this that Phil Cannella goes to the effort he does to inform, educate and help senior citizens.